I am planning to play basketball in the park, but I need to buy a basketball. I don't know know which type of basketball would be the best for me. I can't shoot heavy basketballs and I want it to be Spalding.
What do you think?

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Men's Basketball HoopScoop is not your typical basketball coaching website site.  We have basketball coaching material for all levels.  We have material suited for junior high, high school, AAU, College and Professional basketball.  Men's Basketball HoopScoop is a basketball coaching website that trades material with you.

Here is all that you have to do: [...]

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The success of facebook has spawned an explosion of niche social networks all focusing on specific areas of interest.

There are several Basketball Social Networks that exist online but sadly many of them are nothing more than advanced forums.

The basketball community needs to assess basketball social networks according to the value they [...]

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On July 8, 2011 By

I Lifted yesterday (Chest muscles/Shoulders) and Today(Biceps/Forarms) I lifted about 2 hours ago and am thinking about going to play basketball with some friends for about an hour and 30 minutes or so.

Would This hurt my muscle growth?
im still sore, And planning to work out Tomarrow,
so will it be [...]

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